Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Postural Checklist...

Mirror, Mirror...

Asking yourself the following questions - and checking in the mirror to see if your answers are correct – can begin to shed light on where your alignment might be off. After getting an idea of what you will be working on with your body, you will be better adept at seeing the differences that clean lines and perfect posture make. From here, you’ll be prepared to tailor the work of each class to your individual body’s requirements.

Check all that apply to what you see in the mirror or know to be true about your body during a typical day:

Do you habitually stand with your weight on one leg? Right or left?

Do you habitually stand with your weight shifted into one hip? Right or left?

Are you knock-kneed or bow-legged?

Do you lock or “hyperextend” your knees when you stand?

Do you roll in or out on your feet? You can check the heels of your shoes to see if they tend to wear out on one side or the other for the answer to this question.

Are your shoulders rounded forward?

Is your chest lifted or concave?

Does on shoulder appear higher than the other?

Is your head habitually tilted in one way? Right or left? Forward or back?

Is your back rounded? Upper, middle, or lower?

Do you have a hollow/arched back when you stand? Upper or lower?

Does your tummy protrude?

Did you stand taller to correct yourself as you made these assessments? If so, you are a step ahead in your journey to becoming your own best teacher.

As we age, different physical habits cause some muscles to tighten, and others to become weak, pulling our bones out of their natural alignment. This can result in everything from tennis elbow to lower back pain, to arthritis, which can occur when the body is out of structural balance, causing one joint to wear out before another.

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