Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Obstacles to Weight Loss...

What type of eater are you - carb, protein or mixed? Don't know?
Do you know your resting metabolic rate?

NOT knowing these may actually be detrimental to any weight loss plans. Not eating the right foods for your metabolic type and eating too few calories will have the opposite effect you are trying to achieve. Your body will just hold onto whatever it can to make sure your able to have energy for all your basic daily needs - blinking, digesting, swallowing, sleeping etc. You burn calories even when you are sleeping.

If you are interested in finding these things out, we have a new program starting in January that will do this and MORE!! You will gain a fresh new look on your whole routine. What you eat, how you exercise, information on posture, how to decrease your body fat percentage, real life solutions to real life problems.

You will receive an initial assessment by a Physiotherapist and Exercise Therapist, which will include a metabolic type test as well as postural analysis, body fat percentage, resting metabolic rate, goal setting, nutrition guidelines, exercise program, working around your schedule. You will also receive weekly counselling on topics and questions directly related to you. This is not a one size fits all program. This is taylored to your specific needs and goals.

Stay tuned for more information on this upcoming program. There are no meals to buy - you get to eat real food, not prepackaged. There are no supplements to buy. You will see real results with what works for you.

This is about being the healthiest you can be.

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